Apr 24, 2022Liked by Diana Haemer

The Ocean is Vast. We know so little about it. There is more energy stored in one cubic meter of surface water than in the entire seven miles of atmosphere above it. The ocean currents are a sixty mile wide river flowing on a thousand-year journey around the globe. That journey drives the Earth's climate more than any change in the air temperature. But we do not know enough to know if or when the ocean currents will change. In 1775, Benjamin Franklin crossed the Atlantic, returning from London. He and his grandson dropped buckets on ropes over the ship's sides to measure the Gulf Stream. Today, we have remote submersibles -- struggling for funding to make annual cruises. We can know more about the Ocean Currents. We need to know more and we would if people cared more about the oceans.

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This is vital & crucial information that’s needed for us to become denizens of the sea- ( as was pointed out in the newsletter ) Even a non- scientific visit to a bay, estuary or tidal river such as the Potomac reveal problems such as the abundance of algae blooms which effectively choke off O2 to the deeper

levels. The increase in global temperatures causing a lowering of the PH due to more dissolved C02 from the atmosphere resulting in formation of free H2 ions has been the focus of previous newsletters. It is very true that we cannot note these effects daily as they are not visible , but we will continually suffer by not taking the steps to reduce our own carbon footprint & not mobilizing as a society to change the way we consume energy. .

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